Record reviews - a random round-up..

The Aislers Set 'The Last Match'
Arab Strap 'Monday at the Hug & Pint'
The Astronauts 'You're All Weird'

Bartles 'Liar'
Bearsuit the 'Jesus Will Spear You Through the Heart' EP
Bearsuit 'Cat Spectacular!'
Bearsuit 'Chargr' single
Bitmap 'Alpha Beta Gamma'
Black Ramps 'Shark Attack' EP
British Sea Power 'The Decline of…'
British Sea Power 'Open Season'
The Broken Family Band 'Welcome Home, Loser'

Clearlake 'Almost the Same' single
Clearlake 'Cedars'
Cranebuilders 'Sometimes You Hear Through Someone Else'

The Dawn Parade 'Caffeine Row' EP
The Dears 'No Cities Left'
Delicate Awol 'Our Genome'

Edible 5 Ft Smiths 'Milk Race Over Quebec'
The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster 'Horse of the Dog'

The Flashing Astonishers 'The Star-Off Machine'
Fonda 500 'The Autumn: Winter Collection'
Fonda 500 'No 1 Hi-fi Hair'
Fonda 500 'Spectrumatronicalogical Sounds'
Fonda 500 'ABCDELP'
Frankie Machine 'Francis Albert Machine & Friends'

The Gentle Waves 'Swansong For You'
Gerling 'Children of Telepathic Experience'
The Great Depression 'Unconscious Pilot'

Harvey Half-Devoured 'Candlewax Kids EP'
Herman Dune 'Switzerland Heritage'

Hutch 'Blind Diving'

Igloo demo
Insomnia 'The Iris EP'

Kirk Lake 'Kirk Lake'
Le Tetsuo 'I Understand If You Speak Slowly' EP
The Lollies 'Taste'

The Lucksmiths 'Why That Doesn't Surprise Me'
The Lucksmiths 'Naturaliste'

Magoo 'Popsongs'
Marble Valley 'Sunset Sprinkler'
Mark 700 'Cohiba'
Mayday Murders 'Mayday Murders'
Milky Wimpshake 'Lovers Not Fighters'
Mogwai 'Rock Action'
My Favorite 'The Happiest Days of My Life' single
My Pet Junkie 'The Interstellar Conspiracy Theory' EP
My Pet Junkie 'Overhanging' single
My Pet Junkie 'When You're Not Busy'

Pan Pipes 'Transmission Form'
Johnny Parry 'Break your Little Heart'
Phluid 'Cynical Smile'
Plans & Apologies 'Tree Dee Pee' EP
The Playwrights 'Good Beneath the Radar'
Posta Lowa 'Everything That Connects You'
Primal Scream 'Exterminator'
Puerto Muerto 'Stars' single

Redmaxx 'Start Your Own Riot'
Emma Rugg 'Isolated Impression'

Salako 'The Story of Our Life So Far'
The Sell-Outs live at the Square
Shard 'Wished & Then Kissed EP'
Shard 'Make Me Butterfly' single
Sneeze 'Lost the Spirit to Rock & Roll'
Sonic Youth 'Murray St' and 'Dirty'
Sphyr 'A Poem for M'
The Starlets 'Surely Tomorrow You'll Feel Blue'
Stars of Aviation 'Snow on Snow' single

Tempertwig 'An Anthology of Broken Stuff'
'Bratpack Film Philosophy'

Tender Trap
'Film Molecules'
(The Real) Tuesday Weld 'I, Lucifer'
The Tyde 'Once'

Union Wireless 'All Her Life'

Vermont 'Ins Kino'

The Wow Kafe 'Betty Short's Smile' single

Snakebite City 11
One Man & his Bog
