(from beat-sketching, July '03) / home / reviews index

The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster 'Horse of the Dog' (No Death/Island LP)

Ten songs in twenty-six minutes. They might as well have done it the other way around. It's a mad-as-five-fish debut that involves lots and lots of jumping up and down, guitars bent sinister and as damn-near-perfect an approximation of their most intense live show as is possible to capture on shiny plastic. They have songs called things like 'Celebrate Your Mother', 'Fishfingers' and 'Giant Bones' which calls to mind Jon Spencer and Frank Black working out with a metal punchbag. This is quite righteously idiotic. The day they release a ballad is the day George Bush and Tony Blair sing a duet at the Brits and make sense. And the drummer has more rolls than Greggs!
