beat-sketching, July '03)
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Vermont 'Ins Kino'
(Tbilissi Recordings)
Vermont are indie like your aunt and uncle used to make. Released on
their own label and funded by a friend, the artily packaged debut album
starts with a song named 'We Are Not Yet For Sale'. It sounds like a
lazy Stereolab in a good way, like on a hot Saturday afternoon, wearing
shorts. But this band's having too much fun for them just to replicate
emotionless 'cool'. Slappy drum patterns and little piano stabs abound
(like baby fingers jumping over the keys again and again, and again,
that's meant in a good way). 'Querallee' even puts in a vinyl crackle,
because they think the old thing sounds so good. Twee but wonky like
the best Track & Field bands, Vermont jaunt in various moods through
a few odd styles but nothing that's obviously made after 1986. 'Bullfight
in Bogna' could be the delgados pissed off at having to cover a Love
song, 'Two Weeks From everywhere' ends in a great chaotic fire-engine
chorus ("woo-oo!").
Standout tracks for me right now
are 'About the Man', like Melys cover Pavement covering Beatles - classic
pop with odd bits and a fine lady vocal - and 'Last', which comes out
with a few splendid crashes of noise-pop. Delightful like finding a
clean handkerchief when out in the fields with a bout of hayfever, it's
a small but rewarding collection of naïve-sounding pop.
Tbilissi Recordings,
15 High London, 121 Hornsey Lane, London, N6 5NP