A split 7":
Tempertwig 'Bratpack film philosophy'/
Air Formation 'Seethrustars' (Solution B Records)

"I'm nobody… I'm just -blah"
"Realizing how blah you are is the first step out of blahdom" - Charlie Brown and Lucy van Pelt, cartoon characters, Peanuts

Air Formation (some band) pass over the same ground as Spacemen 3 and Ride before them, stepping forth in dirty sneakers flecked with sweat and into the tumbling cathedral of their half-formed dreams. The vocalist, of the male persuasion, is stunned into mumbling by this brief encounter with slow static pop. A gradual gleeful feeling is transmitted.

Tempertwig are some band, I know them too well. Their demo tracks follow me wherever I might go and capture the mood too many of us spend. "We talk about Bagpuss just to break the ice at parties… a mobile phone in one hand and a lifetime in the other." The mood of the song is pissed and morose, thirsty for more and unable to grasp it; truly a 21st century indictment of itself, a protest that can barely be arsed to get out of bed, while underneath this teen-Tindersticks muttering, separate and linked, the sound of too many American-Scottish instrumental records. This is Tempertwig's first release, and I'm looking forward too much to the eventual album - it should be a horribly intense affair and I'll love it like y'all should.

Too much, too much...

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