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Insomnia 'The Iris EP' self-release
Insomnia make songs that make me want to rock back and forth and to write stupid things. One of those rare bands that manage to make music both dreamy and heavy, this four-piece can do epic rawk with a real swift pace to it, they have a really nice guitar sound and a dead solid rhythm section; there's plenty going on. By epic I don't mean ANYTHING cheesily earnest or the use of hoarse vocals as shorthand for rough feeling - I mean that it sounds mammoth, and surprising. There are two instrumentals on their latest recording: 'Orchid' bounces and glimmers laying rapid glockenspiel and guitar stabs over something of a river of sound, 'Space Ming' is a cool ambient wave of guitar; the songs are well moshworthy, if that counts for anything. And 'A Release from…' has the noisiest, dirtiest and most horribly disturbing ending I've heard in a long time! I love it! After a few listens I'm sure they're as good as Beggars Banquet signings Oceansize, who have a similar (undeserved) prog-metal reputation. If at times they extend themselves into large guitar solos that recall retro-baggy-rockers like the Music, by that point in the songs I'm having too much fun to care; this band can't be accused of self-indulgence when their sheer tunes are so good.

Insomnia, PO Box 34, Shefford, SG17 5YP.