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The Sell-Outs live at the Square - demos
"Everything moves in circles / I lose my will and then I find it again." This helps.

Journalists often associate teendom with a carefree nature or, to put it more negatively, carelessness. But sometimes the music really IS all that matters - the band cares, but only about certain things. These songs might have their sloppy recording covered only by enthusiasm, but that doesn't mean the band is careless; just that they care about only specifics. Like, they play these reckless punk songs but at between-song drink breaks, the singer takes the time to screw the lid of her water bottle back on all the way round so there'll be no spillage. This is as important as the way they jump about. They have great melodic punk power and stop-start ska moments, informed as much by festi-punk and wider underground rock as by the more mainstream third-generation stuff, and in their music as well as their lyrics a cool self-awareness (just look at that name for a start!). For more tension and fun contact the_sell_outs@hotmail.com
"Why don't you move onto your next craze?"

the Sellouts, or however you spell it, live in August '03 for a bit here