CWSY#9, June '02)
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- 'An Anthology of Broken Stuff'
Like every good so-called post-rock band (as opposed to "every
so-called good post-rock band), tight Croydon trio Tempertwig do a nice
line in song titles. 'Kitchen Stereo' is a track that -hey! - I first
heard on the stereo in our student kitchen. It made a change from the
resident easy-listening tape labelled 'Music To Watch Girls By'. Tempertwig
are not easy-listening and if you watched girls with it on, they might
well be scared off. I'd like to attend a live performance by these young
men to find out if the lyrics recited so gruffly over less-offensive
music are spat with the same harshness of disgust captured here by the
bods at Truck studios. They're not enthused by much except "the
TB injection I had as a child - that was vaguely compelling",
and perhaps also by Slint. Also of note is the overlaying of vocals
on 'Heartfelt Letter to an Ex-Friend'. They could really freak some
people out with that kind of thing, repeating random phrases to an obsessive
degree. Maybe they suffer from Tourette's syndrome.
Ben, 020 8543 1456